Thursday, April 13, 2006

A Little Out of it at the mo

Written two years ago but I see it today. As I sometimes say: Don't judge my religion by its followers. We rarely do justice to the faith anymore.

I'm working on another post which will be up soon Insha'Allah.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link and comment on me blog...

i am curious..why the choice of your blog name?

Desi Monkey said...

I wish I could come out with some profound answer to that question, but the truth is, I used to play a game on the Xbox called Halo 2 and my gamer tag was Desi Monkey. (It had been inspired by another gamer- MonkeyChops.)

When I created this blog I just wanted a name that would protect my anonymity, but at the same time intrigue others to read it. The first name that popped up into my head was "Desi Monkey" just because I'd used it before and I kinda liked the sound of it.

Anonymous said...

hahaha..that's hilarious:) and you know what it actually works...i was intrigued:)

Anonymous said...

incidentally, the species has become the alter ego of many an anonymity seeking blogger. egyptian sand monkey is a highly popular blogger who blasts the regime and draws cheers from hundreds of readers... what i wonder if this linking back to another primate cousin is instinctual...