Friday, May 19, 2006

It's a Miracle?

When it comes to miracles I can't help being a bit of a skeptic. At least once a month there's a new email sent to me about yet another so-called "miracle." It all makes me wonder about the state of the believers nowadays and their attitude towards miracles.

It's not necessarily the authenticity of the "miracles" that worry me, but rather the impression that I get that a lot of people are actively hunting them down. It's almost as though people need miracles in order to confirm their faith- Isn't it enough anymore to have faith instead of feeling that one has to resort to proving such faith to others? Do we honestly think that God is forever revealing Himself through miracles to mankind when He has already sent us the guidance that we need through revelation? Personally I don't think this should be, or even is the case.

The number of miracles people are claiming to witness more recently almost makes a mockery of religion. The value of a miracle is so little, that people like me can only believe in it if we witness it ourselves, and even then we hold a little skepticism towards it. Allah (God) knows best.

At the same time I look at the world around me and think everything's a miracle. The intricate patterning that we all possess: our hands, our feet, everything. Go on and have a look at yourself right now and tell me what you see. I see the sort of design that is so perfectly constructed, that to me is a miracle in itself. I don't need to witness any other miracles in the world- I am one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember our conversation about this last week :o)

Unber is a miracle ;o) OH YES.

I can see that though, even from an atheists point of view - we almost seem too detailed and complex to be a product of chemicals fusing. Hmmmm, interesting.