Thursday, December 28, 2006

Official Hiatus

Well I literally prayed this wouldn't happen, but I'm going to have to announce an official hiatus. I blame final year of Uni *grr*

With Eid Al-Adha just around the corner, I'd like to wish an Eid Mubarak to all the Muslims out there; a congrats to those who went on Hajj; a belated Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to anyone celebrating; Oh and an advanced "Happy New Year" when we hit the big 2-0-0-7. (Have I missed anything out? :s Well if I have, apologise.)

I seem to have developed a knack for drawing stickmen of late... As weird as that may sound, I have started a little series of animations which hopefully look more promising than the description I've just given. So, if not writing, I will be trying to find a way in which I can publish these pictures online for everyone to view and leave feedback on.

For now, Insha'Allah (if God wills,) this hiatus won't last too long.

Sunday, December 03, 2006


First and foremost a huge apology for not being able to write a new post for so long. I'm so overwhelmed by the amount of study I have on at the moment, that everytime I sit down to write a new post, all I can see through the corner of my eye is a stack of books.

So until I get a chance to get blogging again, I invite you all to read through my previous posts, and to look at some of the blogs that I recommend on the right-hand side. Insha'Allah (if God wills,) I'll be back soon.

Y'all be taking care now.