Thursday, December 28, 2006

Official Hiatus

Well I literally prayed this wouldn't happen, but I'm going to have to announce an official hiatus. I blame final year of Uni *grr*

With Eid Al-Adha just around the corner, I'd like to wish an Eid Mubarak to all the Muslims out there; a congrats to those who went on Hajj; a belated Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to anyone celebrating; Oh and an advanced "Happy New Year" when we hit the big 2-0-0-7. (Have I missed anything out? :s Well if I have, apologise.)

I seem to have developed a knack for drawing stickmen of late... As weird as that may sound, I have started a little series of animations which hopefully look more promising than the description I've just given. So, if not writing, I will be trying to find a way in which I can publish these pictures online for everyone to view and leave feedback on.

For now, Insha'Allah (if God wills,) this hiatus won't last too long.

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