Saturday, December 31, 2005

2006 Here We Come

Well it's nearing the end of 2005 and I thought that it deserved a quick blog. Gather around as I ponder over my version of 2005. (I'm going to be all reflective- You've been warned.)

I don't know about you all but this year has brought its fair share of experiences for me. Without many of which I wouldn't be anywhere near the person I've had to become today. (Whether that's a good or bad thing is up to you )

Here are some of the things that stick out most (sorry if I've missed anything):

- 2005 brought me my first ever job at the CPS. It was a chance to witness the goodness in people out there who are dedicating their lives trying to bring about some sort of justice in this world, fighting in the face of some true, true evils. I feel honoured to have worked alongside such people... Oh, and money good

- University: It's had its up and downs, all of which taught me some valuable lessons about people. Let's hope that 2006 brings more ups.

-Home: Some of the so-called "downs" made me realise how lucky I really am. Words really won't be able to express how grateful I am for the friends I have, my home, my bro, and most of all, the mum I've been blessed with. All I can say is that my mum fulfils every single quality a mother should have, and for that I pray for nothing but her happiness, Aameen.

- My housemates: Perhaps one of the best surprises of 2005 were my housemates. They've brought fun, laughter and even a sense of relief when I'd had a bad day. So a huge thank you to them for being the people that they are. Here's to plenty more cake days in the future *holds up a glass of Irn Bru- NOT alcohol- alcohol's evil *

Actually writing this list isn't as easy as I thought it would be... I know I'll unintentionally miss out a lot things- things like my first digital camera (thanks to Pa,) and the fantastic Iftaar hosted at Sara, Rehnuma, Jesse and Sadia's place- If it wasn't for that then I would never have learnt how to make such a wicked pasta Rehnuma Ah and God bless brownies. So I suppose I'll have to leave it there.

I guess as for the many many other adventures I've been up to... Let's just say that it's not all suitable for younger readers...

Happy New Year everyone

P.S. I forgot to say before that I welcome any comments you all have, so feel free to leave some

Sunday, December 25, 2005

You Know You've Been to University too Long When...


You actually like doing laundry at home where the washing machines work.

Two miles is not too far to walk for a party.

You'd rather clean than study especially if an essay is due.

"Oh sh*t how did it get so late!" comes out of your mouth at least once a night.

Parents' cooking becomes something you desire, not avoid.

You schedule your classes around sleep habits and soap operas especially Neighbours and Hollyoaks.

You know the pizza boy by name and don't even need to read the menu.

You go to sleep when it's light and get up when it's dark.

You live for getting mail.

Looking out the window is a form of entertainment.

Prank phone calls become funny again.

You start thinking and sounding like your friends and your accent becomes a hybrid of West Country, Surrey and general Northern.

Highlighters are the coolest things on earth.

Rearranging your room is your favourite pastime.

Rubbish cheap £1 shops are so cool.

The weekend lasts from Thursday to Monday.


That it didn't matter how late my first lecture was, I'd still sleep through it.

That I could change so much and barely realize it.

That you can love a lot of people in a lot of different ways.

No matter how 'cool' you were in school, no one here cares.

That if you wear polyester everyone will ask why you are so dressed up.

That every clock on campus shows a different time.

That if you got good A-Levels, so what? It doesn't matter here.

That you can know everything and fail a test.

That you can know nothing and ace a test.

That I could get used to almost anything found out about my friends.

That most of my education would be obtained outside of lectures.

That friendship is more than getting drunk together but that's still funny......!

That Sunday is a figment of the world's imagination.

That Psychology is really Biology, that Biology is really Chemistry, that Chemistry is really Physics and that Physics is really Maths.

That my parents would become so much smarter in the last few years.

That it's possible to be alone even when you are surrounded by friends.

Don't be dismayed at good-byes, a farewell is necessary before we can meet again, and meeting again, after moments or a lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.


10. You cry for your mother.

9. You cross the street without looking for cars.

8. Snack time is a necessity.

7. You bundle up for the outdoors without caring what you look like (because everyone else looks as stupid as you do).

6. You stay at home and play games with your friends.

5. You wear your backpack on both shoulders.

4. You wear big mittens.

3. Playing in the snow is a legitimate activity.

2. You take naps.

1. You look forward to cheese toasties.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Chritmas is Upon us so....

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to anyone out there who'll be celebrating

Anyone Remember the Millennium Dome?

I was going to publish this blog a while back, before the "confession" by Bush that the intelligence reports he received in regards to the war in Iraq weren't trustworthy. Feel free to have a read of it, but bear in mind that it's me having one of my rants :-)

It's funny how we Brits have a tendency to forget some of the monumental disasters that this British government has made. The same government that we have decided to elect three times... (There is no emoticon to express how I feel.)

Anyone out there remember the Millennium Dome? If not, then here's a little reminder:

What about the name, Ken Bigley?

Yeah, as I said, we Brits have a tendency to forget. Unfortunately it's this forgetful nature of ours that will inevitably ruin us. If we commit the proposterous crime of forgetting the grievous mistakes made by those we elect into power, (whether it be into parliament or ANY other election,) then we deserve all the consequences we face.

While watching the beginnings of a demonstration commence against the war in Iraq, I came across a Muslim man who stood there, folded his arms and exclaimed "what's the point?" There's ALWAYS a point. If it wasn't for protesting against the war in the first place then the number of casualties in Iraq may well have been much higher than they were. (Just for those of you who know me well: Yes, I did almost burst out and slap this guy...)

But that's not my point. We protest; we speak up; we boycott companies who fund the killing of innocent civilians and no, we won't let anyone forget, because the alternative: just sitting around with our arms folded, is unbearable.

Friday, December 09, 2005

A Good Friendship is Cheaper than Therapy

On Monday, Dr Zakir Naik, a great speaker on Islam graced Birmingham with the pleasure of his company. However on the Sunday before I was forced to resign myself to the fact that for various reasons I wouldn't be able to see him.

To cut a long story short, a friend stepped in and went out of her way to help me get to the talk. Not only that, but her mum made me dinner, and offered me a place to stay the night! Again today I was running embarassingly late to meet up with some chums for dinner, so by the time I turned up, they'd already eaten. And what do I find? They'd saved up lots of food for me to take home

You see in the past few weeks I've had a few of ups and downs, and regardless of my failure to keep up with a few friendships, I've been lucky enough (Alhamdulillah) to have had my close friends right there and then, ready to help me out.

So I guess my advice for anyone who may be going through a rough patch at the mo is just to sit back, relax, and wait for the good times to begin, for after the bad times MUST come the good... oh, and don't be afraid to let your friends help you along. Sometimes they can see what you can't.

Friday, December 02, 2005


Consequences are something I've personally failed to bear in mind recently. The consequence of a mere utterence can be so upsetting that the utterence in itself no longer seems worth it, especially if said in anger.

"Think before you speak" is a saying that's often been recited to me by my loved ones. The ones whom I can trust most to be honest with me when I'm doing or saying something wrong. Unfortunately they haven't been around me recently, and so I was left alone to constantly remind myself of all the teachings that I had been brought up with... Needless to say, I failed miserably.

Perhaps moreso now than ever before am I starting to realise the value of being surrounded by loved ones. It's their brutal honesty which used to keep me grounded as soon as I did something wrong. Currently I'm having to learn to remind myself to stop and think before I speak or act, and to bear in mind all the possible consequences of my actions and/or words.

So now I shall have to invest some hope in the forgiveness of the people around me for "not being myself" recently, and for not realising the consequences of my actions. More importantly, I shall have to invest some hope in the forgiveness of the One who created me for not remembering Him as much as I should have in the path I chose to take.

Here's my hope:

"Announce [Prophet] to My slaves that verily I am the Forgiving, the Merciful." (Qur'an 15:49)

Thanks Pa xxx