Friday, December 09, 2005

A Good Friendship is Cheaper than Therapy

On Monday, Dr Zakir Naik, a great speaker on Islam graced Birmingham with the pleasure of his company. However on the Sunday before I was forced to resign myself to the fact that for various reasons I wouldn't be able to see him.

To cut a long story short, a friend stepped in and went out of her way to help me get to the talk. Not only that, but her mum made me dinner, and offered me a place to stay the night! Again today I was running embarassingly late to meet up with some chums for dinner, so by the time I turned up, they'd already eaten. And what do I find? They'd saved up lots of food for me to take home

You see in the past few weeks I've had a few of ups and downs, and regardless of my failure to keep up with a few friendships, I've been lucky enough (Alhamdulillah) to have had my close friends right there and then, ready to help me out.

So I guess my advice for anyone who may be going through a rough patch at the mo is just to sit back, relax, and wait for the good times to begin, for after the bad times MUST come the good... oh, and don't be afraid to let your friends help you along. Sometimes they can see what you can't.

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