Thursday, December 22, 2005

Anyone Remember the Millennium Dome?

I was going to publish this blog a while back, before the "confession" by Bush that the intelligence reports he received in regards to the war in Iraq weren't trustworthy. Feel free to have a read of it, but bear in mind that it's me having one of my rants :-)

It's funny how we Brits have a tendency to forget some of the monumental disasters that this British government has made. The same government that we have decided to elect three times... (There is no emoticon to express how I feel.)

Anyone out there remember the Millennium Dome? If not, then here's a little reminder:

What about the name, Ken Bigley?

Yeah, as I said, we Brits have a tendency to forget. Unfortunately it's this forgetful nature of ours that will inevitably ruin us. If we commit the proposterous crime of forgetting the grievous mistakes made by those we elect into power, (whether it be into parliament or ANY other election,) then we deserve all the consequences we face.

While watching the beginnings of a demonstration commence against the war in Iraq, I came across a Muslim man who stood there, folded his arms and exclaimed "what's the point?" There's ALWAYS a point. If it wasn't for protesting against the war in the first place then the number of casualties in Iraq may well have been much higher than they were. (Just for those of you who know me well: Yes, I did almost burst out and slap this guy...)

But that's not my point. We protest; we speak up; we boycott companies who fund the killing of innocent civilians and no, we won't let anyone forget, because the alternative: just sitting around with our arms folded, is unbearable.

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