"Verily the physician, with his physic and his drugs,
Cannot avert a summons that hath come.
What ails the physician that he dies of the disease
Which he used to cure in time gone by;
There died alike he who administered the drug, and he who took the drug,
And he who imported and sold the drug, and he who bought it."
"The physician says to thee, "I can cure thee,"
When he feels thy wrist and thy arm;
But did the physician know a cure for disease
Which would ward off death, he would not himself suffer the death agony."
Cannot avert a summons that hath come.
What ails the physician that he dies of the disease
Which he used to cure in time gone by;
There died alike he who administered the drug, and he who took the drug,
And he who imported and sold the drug, and he who bought it."
"The physician says to thee, "I can cure thee,"
When he feels thy wrist and thy arm;
But did the physician know a cure for disease
Which would ward off death, he would not himself suffer the death agony."
I'm writing my dissertation on "Islam's Contribution to Medicine," and keep stumbling across the above verses, so thought I should share them. More on my disso in the near future Insha'Allah (If God Wills.)