Thursday, September 22, 2005

We're doomed... Or are we?

While having a discussion with my housemate the other day I experienced what can only be described as the veil being lifted from my eyes. For only the smallest amount of time the world had clicked into place. I felt like I could see something perhaps only a few have had a chance to see.

Our world is falling apart. It REALLY is. And if humanity doesn't start to have a long hard look at itself, this time there will be no coming back.

Of course, each empire has experienced its own downfalls, but this time is different. The whole world is experiencing a complete collapse in every aspect possible. Socially, politically, religiously and economically. Even TV has gone downhill! (Except Lost and Desperate Housewives- what would I have done after Friends had finished if it wasn't for these shows?)

So, what got me thinking like this? Well, we were discussing the way in which our world leaders deal with the problems that arise in their countries. For example, here in England the way in which Blair has decided to combat the ever increasing problem of alcoholism and any crime committed under the influence of alcohol is by allowing 24 hour pubs. And how do we deal with any problems that this may cause? Increase police patrols. Increase taxes so that we can pay for more policing. And make those who don't drink, like Muslims, feel even more isolated within society. Well done Mr Blair, you've done it again.

Throughout the holidays I got to work with a law firm. And what did I learn? Most crimes are committed under the influence of alcohol. The number of cases I saw where the only defence the alleged perpetrators had was, "I was drunk. I didn't mean to" was ridiculous. FACT: You CHOSE to be drunk. You CHOSE to lose control. And therefore you CHOSE to commit the crime.

Economically the world's a joke. The rich-poor divide has reached an all time low, where reports of famines etc have reached an embarrassing high. The worst thing is that when there is a humanitarian crisis such as that of Niger the media chose to approach it in the most carpe diem way possible. For about 1 week minimum we have an influx of photographs, videos etc appealing to us to give as much money as we can afford. A few weeks later, we forget. Humans are very good at forgetting and living for the moment. Nowadays the situation's got even worse. I worked for a little while in Oxfam, and one of my fellow colleagues turned around to me a said, "there are so many appeals nowadays, it's hard to keep track of which one to give money to." She was right. How many people can the general public possibly help? Eventually we'll get so used to the appeals, we may even unintentionally stop giving anymore. My opinion: It's not all our responsibility. It's the world leaders' responsibility, and they should start living up to it.

And this is how we get onto the next topic: Politics. One word: Bush. The most powerful man in the world is Bush. The man who said that the name of the President of Pakistan is "General" we have allowed to become the President of the most powerful country in the world. You do the maths.

Religiously? Well let's just say that the words Jihad, suicide and bomb have been completely struck from my vocabulary. The world isn't ready yet for me to discuss how it's deteriorating religiously, so let's leave that topic for a rainy day.

I've tried pretty hard to show you what I saw in my brief revelation. However, there are many issues I haven't discussed. The most important being my solution to all the world's problems:

I should be President. :-)


Anonymous said...

Originally posted on 22nd September 2005:

here, here -well, i'd vote for you....can i be vice? hee hee ;-) han x

Anonymous said...

Originally posted on 27th October 2005:

I'd rue the day anyone made you President of anything. Guffaw. As for your apocalyptic view of the world... yeah, we're screwed. Makes you appreciate OK Computer just that little bit more, no?