Monday, January 23, 2006

Friends Forever

I felt pretty disappointed with myself the other day when I started to reflect on a particular friendship. The said friend had done some very kind favours for me in the past and the more I reflected, the more I realised that I had not been treating them recently with the respect that they deserved, taking into consideration what they had done for me.

Both our outlooks on life have undergone some dramatic changes and this in turn has caused quite a bit of trouble. Yet I am shocked that I, someone who not too long ago wrote a blog criticising the British public for THEIR bad memory, has committed the same mistake. (Refer to blog entitled "Anyone Remember the Millennium Dome?"- 22nd December 2005.)

During times of difficulty, especially in friendships, it becomes easy to forget all the good times we share with one-another, and instead place a heavy emphasis on all the bad times. This does not just have to apply to friendships, but other scenarios too. However it is during the testing times in life that we should hold tight those happy memories and fight whatever or whoever has the nerve to challenge us and our friendships.

Although I think in my case I have been very late in realising all this, and may even be on the verge of losing a friend, I've decided to fight for my friendship. Hey, fighting is what I do best ;-)

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