Saturday, January 07, 2006

Supersize This

Almost time to go back to uni now, so wanted to squeeze in a blog before the essaylessness celebrations begin. Unfortunately though it looks like I might be paying extra attention to what I eat during these festive times... (The Muslim festival of Eid-Al-Adha's approaching too.)

I watched Supersize Me the other day and must say I've pretty much been put off McDonalds... Yup, even the HALAL ones in Pakistan! I'd already stopped eating from McDonalds in England since my uncle worked in a fast food place, and was nice enough to share some of his stories with me. But what I saw in Supersize Me has put me off for life- So congrats to its creators.

Although there was an absurd bit of the movie where Morgan Spurlock forced himself to eat a whole Supersize meal in one sitting with me shouting at the screen "eat the rest later!" a lot of the film was uncomfortably familiar.

And then someone emailed me this:

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