Monday, January 22, 2007

A Desi Monkey Recommendation

Just a quick post to recommend the following article: "Over Sexualized Muslim Men Syndrome."

Don't let the title put you off. Before anyone says anything, yes I know it works both ways: Muslim women are just as bad *sometimes* as Muslim men; and no, I'm not a feminist.

Read away!


Anonymous said...

"Muslim women are just as bad *sometimes* as Muslim men; and no, I'm not a feminist."

Overall women aint AS bad as men. And if you were a feminist, it would be a good thing, but it's okay.

Desi Monkey said...

Lol, I do apologise for I meant no offence by my comments. When I said "Muslim women are just as bad *sometimes* as Muslim men;" it was intended in jest.

As for not being a feminist, I like to believe in equal rights for everyone without subscribing entirely to one movement, such as feminism. Hence my clarification that I am not a feminist in the way it may be understood by some.